What apps can Pythagora build?
Here are some apps that were built by Pythagora, without a single line of code written by humans
LLM Prompt eval
LLM Prompt Eval Tool is an app that enables developers at Pythagora to evaluate prompts on different LLMs multiple times in parallel. You enter a prompt, select the LLMs you want to test, and specify how many times you want to run it. The tool executes the prompt on the chosen LLMs the desired number of times and displays the results. You can also create a review prompt that evaluates the responses and shows the success rate for each selected LLM model. This is an invaluable tool that all developers at Pythagora use daily.
Time spent to create this app - 8 hours
Files created - 20
Lines of code - 1173
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LENS tool
LENS is a tool that allows developers at Pythagora to navigate their SQLite database effortlessly. Since Pythagora uses SQLite to store data, LENS makes it super easy to explore, query, and manipulate the database, helping developers debug issues much faster. This is an invaluable tool that all developers at Pythagora use whenever they need to troubleshoot.
Time spent to create this app - 12 hours
Files created - 25
Lines of code - 2355
Custom HR selection tool
Custom HR Selection Tool is an app built with Pythagora for a company with a very specific hiring process they wanted to automate. The tool enables them to set up their custom process exactly as they want it, send a shareable link to applicants, and follow the tool’s instructions to review candidates. Recruiters can mark applicants, send emails from predefined templates, and move them through the hiring funnel, while applicants can manage necessary documents, complete assignments, reapply, and view job postings.
Time spent to create this app - 14 hours
Files created - 34
Lines of code - 2722
Deep Thoughts
Deep Thoughts is a fun project we created for the v1 launch. With this app, users can create LLM agents and assign each of them a unique personality (e.g., a grumpy cat from the NYC streets). Users can create chat rooms with specific topics and connect different LLM agents to chat with each other about the given topic. It’s really entertaining to see how LLMs interact and converse with each other.
Time spent to create this app - 6H
Files created - 32
Lines of code - 2303
Custom User management tool
Custom User Management Tool is an app developed for Pythagora’s customer support team to manage user data aggregated from various sources like Stripe, BricksAI, and our Mongo database. The tool allows support staff to look up users, view their usage of Pythagora and spending, issue refunds and free credits, manipulate subscriptions, or change user statuses. It consolidates data from multiple sources to streamline customer support operations.
Time spent to create this app - 7H
Files created - 25
Lines of code - 1999
GPTOptimizely is an app for A/B test marketing copy. The way it works is that it creates a code snippet that you have to embed on your website. It injects version1 of HTML to 50% of users and a different version2 of HTML to the other 50% of users. Then it tracks the number of clicks on both copies and shows results in dashboard.
Time spent to create this app - 3days
Files created - 25
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